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Tending a Garden of Memories

Brooke Williams 0 2 Article rating: No rating

The colorful Zen Garden at Evelyn’s House, BJC’s hospice house, is a special place within a special place. Filled with rocks painted as tributes, it is a place to honor and cherish the memories of those who have spent their last days at Evelyn’s House.

Raising the Bar on Hospice Care at Home

Brooke Williams 0 0 Article rating: No rating

Thanks to an enduring passion for excellence, groundbreaking research, and generous donor support, BJC Hospice is building on its decades of expertise and extending the compassionate care of Evelyn's House to more patients at home. An innovative program called Evelyn's House at Home is allowing patients who once would be hospitalized for intense symptom management to be able to come home to receive this complex care.

Parker Oliver Named Chair in Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care

Ira Kodner, MD Chair Created with Gift from Anne and John McDonnell

Anonym 0 1404 Article rating: No rating

Debra Parker Oliver, PhD, MSW, a noted expert in end-of-life caregiving and a recent addition to the Division of Palliative Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has been named the inaugural holder of the Ira Kodner, MD Chair in Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care.